Rock Paper Scissors Gummies, skemmtilegt og ljúffengt nammi sem býður upp á einstaka og skemmtilega snakkupplifun fyrir nammiunnendur á öllum aldri. Each candy is shaped like the iconic symbol of Rock, Scissors, Paper, adding an element of fun and whimsy to the snacking experience.Rock, Paper, Scissors gummies are the ideal balance of sweet and fruity. These candies come in a variety of colorful, mouth-watering fruit tastes, including strawberry, blueberry, and green apple, resulting in a delectable combination that will pique your taste buds. The gummies have a soft, chewy texture that enhances the enjoyable eating experience.The rock-paper-scissors-shaped candies are presented in an engaging and imaginative manner, making them an entertaining treat for all ages. Hvort sem það er neytt ein eða með vinum, mun sælgæti okkar veita gleði og ánægju í hvaða snakkaðstæður sem er.